J and I and Me
  Approaches for Über / Fat JAR Deployment in Java EE
I believe the deployment and monitoring model for Java EE Application Server is outdated. If you want to learn more about my opinion refer to my article at JAXenter, the slides or my Interview at InfoQ. Instead I advocate a model to deploy an application including all the needed infrastructure as a large JAR file. This model is supported e.g. by Vert.x, Dropwizard, the Play Framework and of course Spring Boot. However, what about Java EE applications? While in theory there is no reason why a Java EE should not be deployed as a huge JAR file - but there are not that many solutions to actually do that. So here are some approaches that might be worth looking at: Thanks for the discussion over at Twitter and all the help I got there. If you know any other options - please leave a comment. Thanks!
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Here is a link Matthias Wessendorf provided: https://rmannibucau.wordpress.com/2015/01/20/did-you-ever-realize-openejb-applicationcomposers-is-the-ee-spring-boot/
If you want to take this idea one step further: Instead of bundling a "fat" JAR build a Docker image.

Put Glassfish (or any other JEE AppServer) + your deployed app into the container and voila you have a self contained JEE app.

Thanks for the comment! However, I think creating a Docker image is something different: You still need to deal with the monitoring and the deployment model of the App Server - which IMHO are considerable drawbacks. You could create a Docker image with a fat JAR, too - but that would solve different issues i.e. providing a verified operating system with the app and more lightweight virtualization.
Great article
Good read! I fully agree! Looks like app server vendors are starting to recognize the need for lightweight deployment models too. See Wildfly Swarm (https://github.com/wildfly-swarm/wildfly-swarm), Payara Micro (http://www.payara.fish/introducing_payara_micro). I guess the microservices architectures drives the mindset change.

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